Please, I am not talking about religion or any religious figures. I mean, where someone said something like, ';I did not have sexual relations with that woman.';What was the biggest lie ever told? Where the person lying knew it, not only believed in false information?
';Time for your shower';--Nazi prison guards
';There's enough food for everyone';--Mao Tse-TungWhat was the biggest lie ever told? Where the person lying knew it, not only believed in false information?
Clinton - ';I didn't inhale.';
I never answered you.
There's one big lie that has been repeated many times, eg.:
';Poland has attacked us'; Hitler to the German people
';North Vietnam has attacked us'; Johnson to the American people
';Iraq was behind the 9/11 attack on us'; Bush to the American people
Lots of them.
Ronald Reagan and the Iran-Contra affair.
Hitler, when he blamed the Jews.
Clinton and his affair with Monica.
Bush Jr. and his war in Iraq.
and so on and so forth....... Most of the politicians and big businesses are liars and they know it too.
I believe you've just answered your own question in your sub-caption!
BTW, everyone including Kerry and other Dems believed there were WMD's when intelligence related it at the time. If Bush ';lied,'; then they lied, as well. Furthermore, there were some WMD's were found. And furher-furthermore, WMD's were not the only issue.
Also, let's see...other substantial big lies would include Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Global Warming.
i remembered an old articles stating that beatles claim that they are more famous than jesus christ....thats a big lie!
We were only following orders
All the nazi at the Nuremberg trials
BILL CLINTON!!! Well he didn't inhale %26amp; it wasn't sex cause it wasn't INTERCOURSE!!!! YEAH RIGHT!!!
He should have had his @$$ impeached!
';I don't know her';
';It was only that one time';
';The check is in the mail';
';She's my cousin';
';No, see, I meant to do that...';
';It wasn't THAT expensive...';
OJ Simpson. Biggest liar ever.
Clinton is a close second.
';Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction';- George W. Bush
George W. Bush
What about president Clinten? With his hole thing?
Richard Nixon, ';I am not a crook.';
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