Link? Source?
Many of the sources regarding questions to Obama have come from legitimate and smart scholars in the US that have questioned Obama and Obama only tries to sidestep and Obama then squarely places the blame back to the questioner.
Again.. any links or sources to your statement (not a question)Where did all this false information about obama come from?
I find nothing false about the fact he is in court trying to prove he is a citizen, Thats ';wright'; and unless you just fell out of the sheep wagon you could see too! And McCain, well dont even get me started, these two neocons definatley have a nice herd going. Wake up they sold you out with the bailout, have fun paying for that the rest of your life, meanwhile there are other choices you know. Join the real world and vote 3rd party.
Oops, Barry let it slip in front of a camera. Barry's been bad for a long, long time.
Barry admitted it on TV. He loves Carl Marx's ideology. That's no lie friend. Please join me in voting for the only true American left in the race.
Barry, please take your Marxist/Leninist ideology somewhere besides the United States of America. Cuba needs a new leader. Now that even your supporters know the truth, we Americans will be voting for the only remaining candidate.
Senator John McCain
Do you mean the false information that he is going be the next great president beating McCain on Nov. 4.
It came from the deluded Obama followers.
McCain/Palin and their gay friends at Fox news, like O'Reilly, Hannity, et al.
So I hear O'Reilly and Hannity like to do it Brokeback mountain style.
the same people who said that McCain fathered a black baby out of wedlock. and now McCain is just using that same evil republicans machine to get what he wants.
What false information are you talking about?-----------Number 4,5,9 and 10 are not false.
Lying ill educated Republicans. And frankly... alot of people that are like Bush. And dumb ignorant people believe it.
Karl Rove used his imagination, nobody in America would really name their kid Barrack Hussein Obama
what false information? open a book and find out the facts about your messiah yourself
Why don't you list the false info.? I mean that way we can actually know what your talking about.
McCain supporter!!
I'm not sure what false information you are talking about. edit your question!
Which ';false'; information are you talking about?
The supposed ';right';
uh, from his past?? yeah, just keep covering up that cat turd, then it won't stink quiet as bad.
What is the ';false'; information you are referring to?
False information = propaganda.
The hopes and dreams of the right wing.
The right wing nut jobs that have mastered churning out lies.
McCain doing anything in his will to gain presidency.
Please feel free to provide sources, facts, and links.
his background and life. where did YOUR false info come from?
I hire people to spew out these falsities
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