Here's a great article on the misrepresentation by the Discovery Institute of ';mistakes'; made by Judge Jones in the Dover trial.鈥?/a>
And here's another one on the quote mining of Stephen Jay Gould by the Discovery Institute:鈥?/a>
Here's one on the quote mining of Eugenie Scott:鈥?/a>
And another article on the basic practice of quote mining by the Discovery Institute:鈥?/a>
And another case where Casey Luskin of Discovery Institute was caught quote mining:鈥?/a>
So what is 'quote-mining' and why is this important?
Quote mining is blatantly taking a quotation where an author says X ... and then carefully leaving out part of the quote so that it appears that the author was saying the OPPOSITE OF X!
For example, the Discovery Institute ';quotes'; Stephen Jay Gould as saying:
';The fossil record with its abrupt transitions offers no support for gradual change. All paleontologists know that the fossil record contains precious little in the way of intermediate forms; transitions between major groups are characteristically abrupt.';
But the Discovery Institute leaves out the rest of Gould's words:
';Although I reject this argument (for reasons discussed in [';The Episodic Nature of Evolutionary Change';]), let us grant the traditional escape and ask a different question.';
So they leave out the very words that make it clear that Gould was *rejecting* that argument, to make it sound like Gould was *accepting* the argument!
Why is quote-mining important?
Because the dishonesty is not subject to debate. This isn't an issue of some scientific claim where people might disagree. This is a question of *WHAT SOMEBODY SAID*.
If the Discovery Institute cannot even represent honestly what somebody said ... something that can be checked simply by looking at the original author's text ... then how on earth can they be trusted to represent complex scientific *evidence* and *logic* honestly?What are some examples of members of the Discovery Institute disseminating false or inaccurate information?
I think a bigger and better question is, are you aware of the examples of intentional fraud and deceit on the part of those who promote the false idea of evolution?
Examples include Haeckel's fraudulent drawings; the Piltdown man hoax, and the peppered moth fraud.
Below please find links to some examples.
Please note that those who preach evolution are the ones who are suppressing the truth.
The truth is, all creation is evidence of God (see second link in sources below.)鈥?/a>鈥?/a> (link contains examples of evolutionary fraud)鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
I recommend these links for further study:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
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