Monday, February 8, 2010

Should Hannity be fired like Dan Rather was fired for using false information?

Rather was a newsman and was held to higher standards. Hannity and the likes are held to much, much lower standards....Should Hannity be fired like Dan Rather was fired for using false information?
no, he appologized. btw i am sick and tired of you liberals insulting me for that one question yesterday. when i said, they were different photographs from what dems were claiming they were. i NEVER SAID THEY WERE THE SAME PROTESt. I SAID THE 2 PHOTOGRAPHS SHOWN WERE DIFFERENT PHOTOGrAPHS. WHICH THEY ARE.Should Hannity be fired like Dan Rather was fired for using false information?
Dan Rather was a reporter, a journalist. So the comparison is not valid.

Hannity should be compared to Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow. Commentators are always given more leeway.
So you equate inflating numbers at a protest meeting with defamation of character?

Also, if your ';rule'; was put in place, there'd be NO ONE employed at the NY times or most liberal media for that matter.
Man the blow horn liberals are having a field day when Hannity apologizes. You focus on the small picture. The man himself said sorry for the mistake.
Hannity presents his show as opinion. Rather presented his show as hard news. If you can't see the difference, then I guess that explains your train of thought here, doesn't it?
If Fox News had the same journalistic standards as other networks, the entire staff would have been fired twenty times over.
If you made the media report the news fairly and took out all the dead people ,illegal immigrants,and felons that vote for Democrats could they win anything.
Not unless they fire everyone who repeated the false Rush Limbaugh quotes, especially they never apologized for doing it.
Source proving what he has said is false? (And no B.S. source like the Huffington Post or MSNBC. If we can't cite Fox, you can't cite your little liberal news sources either.)
I don't know - but in reality I call Fox so called news - Rupert Murdock's Tabloid News .

And it is common knowledge that Tabloids are way of base when it comes to reporting the Absolute truth .
For using stock footage? Be reasonable.
Yes, but he won't be.
Why would he be? This sort of ';journalism'; is worshipped at fox news
I thought Fox News wasn't real news, so what does it matter?
fox is know for false information.. what else is new.

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