Monday, February 8, 2010

If a medical professional provided false information in a patient's file?

My friend is going to file a personal injury lawsuit.

He has found out the medical ';professional'; has given false information in his file.

Does this type of thing happen often (where medical office staff/employees lie about a procedure to cover up an error)?

How would this impact the lawsuit?If a medical professional provided false information in a patient's file?
Unfortunately, it happens more often than I would like to admit. I hope he really sues the pants off of them and puts it in the media so all can see.If a medical professional provided false information in a patient's file?
go pee
That's the legal document that provides a record of his medical care..unless he has some other proof that the error occurred (like it was something obvious - an instrument being left after surgery, the wrong part being operated on, something like that), then it comes down to his word against theirs, really, which can definitely hurt his suit.
Charge him and the hospital with medical malpractice and incompetency.
An expert Medical Investigator could find out why it was done.
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