Monday, February 8, 2010

What can we do about the spread of false information?

I just recieved an e-mail that is supposed to be passed around. I checked on %26amp; they have already checked into the info. %26amp; can explain why it is false...I know the person who sent it to me doesn't know much about politics %26amp; doesn't want to learn. Yet this person believes what he gets in his mail. We have got to stop the coruption in our country %26amp; one way to do this is to make sure lies are not being spread to voting people. How can we do this?What can we do about the spread of false information?
The problem is what you said - many people don't even want to bother with finding out the truth...It usually takes a google search and a click or two, but most people would rather be ignorant and spread lies. That is why negative TV ads that tell half truths actually work.

I just read an article about this (posted below) and the crazy thing is that the author got lots of comments calling him elitist - as if it is elitist to want to know the truth!

If you feel strongly about this, ';relpy all'; to the email and explain why it is a lie. Talking with people in a non-pushy way about politics and then correcting them where they clearly have believed a lie is good way too. It helps to have sources in your back pocket when you do this! Good luck.What can we do about the spread of false information?
The bible says the tongue is every ones worst enemy. Anyway gossip is harmful to everyone, but unfortunately will always continue. People seem to get pleasure out of telling false stories, especially in politics. Why just 1 month ago many were calling Obama a Muslim, then overnight he became a racists Christen. Amazing isn't it. I do try to check my facts before spewing out something. In fact, I don't spew much at all. Is spew a word, oh, well.
I'm afraid people will just need to learn to be more discerning.

Unless you're being liabled or you are being sent hate mail of literature we have to protect our freedom of speech.

However, there is some talk of prohibiting propaganda issuing from the White House. This should bring up some interesting arguments.

Also, it is illegal to lie in front of Congress. Bush has done this quite often.
One way to stop spreading false information is not to pass it along.

When you find out the truth from, copy and paste the link to all the people that the false info was sent to.

False information needs to be check out and stopped.
What I usually do is click on reply to all, explain that it's false info %26amp; add a link to the snopes article that debunks it.
we cant but we can start thinking for ourselves and learning. thats the real problem that people are retarded enough to believe anything they read. disinformation will always be out there and its up to us if we will let it affect us.
I believe Hitler said it best. ';If you tell a lie offend enough then people will start to believe it';. Karl Rove hand book number 3
RE-Learn the golden rule
Boycott all FOX and CNN sponsors.
We can check out information that we hear or receive ( is a fantastic resource) and we can share it with people who pass along false information. Most people who spread false information do it innocently based on ignorance, and without malice. There are those who do it to be malicious, but those are the minority.

So, just be informed yourself and share the correct information with others.
First off, do not blindly forward false e-mails! Check the veracity of anything you want to forward. If you find it is false then send out the facts and links that show the proper facts to EVERYONE that forwarded the e-mail before you and ask them to do the same.

Second write your Congressman/woman to reinstate the equal time act that require equal time to be given to opposing views on any media outlet that offers the opposition time.

Beyond that just never accept what you read in a blog or hear on a TV spot talking point as the truth. If it is something that angers you, go do the research to check the veracity of the statements (Sometimes all you need to do is Google it and read a few of the hits.)

This would be a good start.

Too bad no one Will do it and we will still end up with idiots who believe total BS like (Obama is a Muslim).

People who pass stuff like this on without checking it out on snopes or any other media outlet are idiots! Of course Bush did get elected at least once, that could explain it! ;)

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